1. No Way, Stowaways
2. The Ski Bunny
3. Stay Awake Or Else
4. No Bones About It
5. An Ill Wind
6. Beach Bully
7. Mammoth Manhunt
8. The Wacky World of Sports
9. Robin Ho Ho
10. Safe But Sorry
11. Gopher Broke
12. The Super Bowler
13. Tricky McTrout
14. The Tennis Menace
15. Cosmic Cat and Meteor Mouse
16. Castle Wiz
17. Grim And Bear it
18. The Flying Sorceress
19. The Kitten Sitters
20. Termites Plus Two
21. Planet Pest
22. The Hypochondriac Lion
23. Give 'Em The Air
24. The Egg And Tom And Jerry
25. Watch Out, Watch Dog
26. The Super Cyclists
27. The Police Kitten
28. The Outfoxed Fox
29. Towering Fiasco
30. The Lost Duckling
31. Beanstalk Buddies
32. Two Stars Are Born
33. Son of Gopher Broke
34. The Sorcerer's Apprentices
35. Hold That Pose
36. The Supercape Caper
37. Chickenrella
38. Double Trouble Crow
39. Jerry's Nephew
40. See Dr. Jackal and Hyde!
41. Planet of the Dogs
42. The Campout Cutup
43. Triple Trouble
44. The Bull Fighters
45. Cruise Kitty
46. Its No Picnic
47. Big Feet
48. The Great Motorboat Race